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( Tehsil Day Digitization )

Simplification, Solution, Redressal and Satisfaction

  • The people of the state generally visit district headquarters, block headquarters, and sometimes state headquarters for the redressal of their issues, thus addressing the public issues at the local level remains one of the foremost priorities of the government. The state government has initiated a system to address complaints through digitalization on the 'Chief Minister's Jan Samarpan Diwas' at the tehsil and district level days, thereby clearly setting its priority. The government's clear stance is that the general public should not need to visit the state capital/divisional headquarters to resolve their difficulties and problems. Whenever feasible, it is advisable to address the issues facing individuals through the local grievance redressal system. At times, in order to resolve public concerns, it becomes necessary for an individual to repeatedly engage with the relevant officer and make visits to their offices. It is essential to establish a system for addressing the common man's issues whereby government officials or employees proactively engage with the public, ensuring prompt resolution of their concerns on the spot. Individuals should not be required to escalate their problems to the State or Divisional Headquarters for resolution. In an effort to streamline this process, the government has been conducting Tehsil Diwas since 2013.
  • Currently, the decision has been made to integrate the Tehsil Diwas programs held in the tehsils with the Chief Minister Jan Samarpan Program by leveraging digitization with CM Helpline 1905. This system has been officially inaugurated by the Hon’ble Chief Minister. All complaints, cases, references, and issues raised by the public during Tehsil Diwas, held on the first and third Tuesday in all tehsils of the state, as well as during Jan Sunwai Diwas, held every Monday in district headquarters, will now be documented and stored in digital format. The respective District Magistrates will conduct monthly reviews of the Tehsil Diwas programs in all tehsils within their districts on the fourth Monday of each month.
  • If the complainant desires to share his perspective with the Hon'ble Chief Minister in order to address unresolved issues of the public that have persisted beyond the Tehsil and district levels, an application may be submitted by enrolling in the Chief Minister Jan Samarpan Program to schedule a meeting with the Hon'ble Chief Minister on the 20th and 24th of each month.

Chief Minister's Jan Samarpan Day

On this day, citizens have the opportunity to meet with the Sub-Divisional Magistrate or District Magistrate, particularly on the occasion of Tehsil Diwas, to address administrative issues at the Tehsil level. During this event, individuals get the opportunity to present their concerns, grievances, and objections directly to the SDM or DM. This platform enables government officials to attentively listen to the issues raised by the public and endeavor to identify appropriate solutions. The primary objective is to enhance public engagement and promote governmental responsiveness to the requirements and concerns of citizens